Exchange items:

All products to be exchanged must be returned in their original packaging within 14 days from the date you received items. We do not accept a returned item that has been worn, damaged, washed, or altered in any way.

If you need to exchange or return an item, send us an email at [email protected].

Return damaged items:

For a product to be eligible for a return, the following conditions must apply:

1. The issue must be reported to us via email [email protected] within 7 days of your receipt of the product.

2. You must contact immediately if products are damaged as a result of shipping.

3. A detailed description of the damage must be provided to our support team.

4. Product(s) is returned in the condition it was received.

Once your return is received, your refund or exchange will be processed within 10 business days. You will receive a confirmation email when your return has been processed. Once your return has been processed, a refund may take up to 3-7 days to appear on your Paypal account.